Roles and Responsibilities
Below is a common set of roles and responsibilities associated with a dataset. Each role participates in one or more of the phases of the data lifecycle. Your dataset may use more roles.
We reference these roles throughout the "how to" for the "Plan and Define" phase.
We summarize the roles in the table below. Read each section for details on key responsibilities.
NOTE: A person could be one or all of these roles depending on the complexity of the data and the technical environment.
Business Data Steward
The person accountable for the program or service that manages the data throughout its lifecycle. In some cases, the Business Data Steward may be a cross-department team. Key responsibilities include:
Approve the organizational need for the data
Oversee engagement with major stakeholder groups to ensure data meets their needs
Approve and oversee implementation of requirements for data throughout its lifecycle
Oversee adherence to enterprise data, technical, security, and architectural standards and requirements
Review expected impact of data as well as costs of data quality problems
Ensure program is responsive to issues or concerns with the data
Example: The program manager or executive.
Data Steward
The person with day to day management responsibility for the data. This person has the greatest knowledge of the dataset. Key responsibilities include:
Manage data throughout its lifecycle and per requirements
Consult with major stakeholder groups to ensure data meets their needs
Ensure data meets enterprise data, technical, security, and architectural standards and requirements
Advise business stewards on data requirements, including proposed changes
Advise on technical environment
Track data quality and take action to ensure data meets quality requirements
Provide training and/or support to data producers or users
Respond to requests for data and/or questions about the data
Create metadata and other documentation as needed
Communicate changes and other relevant information to appropriate stakeholders
Elevate issues or concerns with the data to the Business Data Steward
Example: The program analyst or administrator.
Data Custodian
The person responsible for the technical environment (e.g. database). The Data Custodian and Steward may be the same person for small teams. Key responsibilities include:
Advise business and data stewards on technical issues for dataset
Develop and maintain technical environment, database and services to meet data requirements
Develop and provide documentation for technical environment and services
Advise on enterprise requirements
Elevate issues or concerns with the data to the appropriate roles
Example: The database administrator.
Data Producer(s)
The people who collect or obtain the data. Key responsibilities include:
Obtain data per requirements
Advise on data requirements and collection methods, including improvements
Respond to questions and requests about data collection methods
Elevate issues or concerns with the data with the appropriate roles
Example: The frontline staff that process requests and enter them into the database form.
Data User(s)
The people who use the data. A dataset may have more than one key user group. Key responsibilities include:
Describe data use cases and communicate data needs with the business and data steward
Advise on data requirements
Use data responsibly and in a way that is consistent with its purpose
Elevate issues or concerns with the data with the appropriate roles
Examples: The program analyst and manager, the Controller's office, data analysts from other departments, etc.
Last updated