What information do we need for each dataset?
Basic information
First, we ask for basic information on each dataset. Required information includes:
Inventory ID: an alphanumeric identifier based on department code and datasets ascending number (e.g. ADM-0172, ASR-0001)
Department or Division: Department or division which owns the data
Dataset Name: Name of the dataset
Dataset Description: Brief description of the dataset
Data Classification: Classification level based on the COIT standards
Value: Estimated value to the public (High, Medium, Low)
Department Priority: How you would prioritize this dataset for publication
Date Added: Date this dataset was added to the inventory
Data Steward: the owner of the dataset (see Data Roles)
Data System: what system the dataset comes from
Additional information (if the dataset is published)
Once the dataset is published on the Open Data Portal, DataSF joins in additional information to the inventory including:
Published Status: "Published"
4x4 ID: The unique id created in the open data portal for published assets
Dataset URL: URL for the asset in the open data portal
First Published Date: When this asset was first published
Category: One of the categories created to group datasets together (e.g. Infrastructure, Safety)
Publishing Approach: How is this dataset published - is it manually added or is there a data pipeline updating the asset
Automated By: If there is a data pipeline, who built it - the department or DataSF
Last updated